Small Business Blog
Articles on pricing, marketing, and selling your small business services
The Truth About 4 Lies of Self-Employment
Becoming self-employed seems like a dream when you’re chained to a day job you hate, but it’s not all rainbows and sunshines. Here, I debunk 4 of the biggest lies about working for yourself.
In Defence of a Day Job
After 5 years of being self-employed, I understand that there are many more perks to being traditionally employed than I used to believe. Here are the reasons I think entrepreneurs should consider it.
8 Tips for Making Big Career Decisions
You’re at a fork in the road: What path should your career take? How do you make the right choice? Here are my 8 tips to help.
What No One Tells You About Turning Your Hobby Into a Business
There are a bunch of things no one ever really mentions about making your side hustle your front hustle (lol). Here’s what I know.