Small Business Blog
Articles on pricing, marketing, and selling your small business services
When, How, & For Whom You Should Work for Free
Does it always make sense to work without pay? Not at all. But I’m arguing that there ARE times it’s beneficial. What are my reasons? Check out the blog to learn
In Defence of a Day Job
After 5 years of being self-employed, I understand that there are many more perks to being traditionally employed than I used to believe. Here are the reasons I think entrepreneurs should consider it.
Strategy & Series [Blog Writing Series #8]
Ready to do more than just one-off blogs? Here I’ll cover what a series is, and how to use a content calendar to your advantage.
Publishing & Promoting [Blog Writing Series #7]
Writing a good blog is not enough! You've got to actually show the world what you've written. How do you do that? Don't worry - I'll teach you.
Ultimate Guide to Optimizing Your Blog [Blog Writing Series #6]
Your blog is well on its way to seeing the big bad world. Amazing! Before we release her into the wild, we should optimize it so it’ll perform as best it can.
Editing Your Writing [Blog Writing Series #5]
Editing anything sounds like a nightmare until you realize the benefits. It doesn’t have to suck. Here are my tips on how to practically edit in a beneficial way
Bonus Blog Elements [Blog Writing Series #4]
Wanna write a mediocre blog? Nobody does! Thankfully, if you are able to work in a few of the elements here, you’ll be at a huge advantage to avoid bad blogging.
Actually Writing [Blog Writing Series #3]
In Part 3, I’ll provide ways to help you get into the heads of your readers so you can write in a way that will connect with them
Frameworks of a Blog [Blog Writing Series #2]
In Part 2, I teach you about the different formats a blog might take, and how to use these frameworks to make your writing-life easier
Ideas & Research [Blog Writing Series #1]
You wanna write blogs? Here's what you should be thinking of, and here's 20 ways to do the impossible: come up with article ideas
How to Succeed at Any Job (3 Principles)
There are 3 principles you’ll see any successful person employ. I’ve worked a handful of jobs in my day. Here’s how I conquered them all.
This Habit Will Help You Earn More Money & Be More Creative
It’s true: there’s a discipline out there that can help you in countless ways, you just need to be willing to do it. Here I share what it is + how it’ll make your life better
How Your Business Can Succeed Overnight
Everyone wants to know: How do I get more clients? Once and for all, I finally give you Marketing’s secret answer.
5 Mistakes Food & Beverage Companies Make on Social Media
No one’s a saint, so don’t think we’re judging, but there are some repeat-offenders when it comes to social media crimes committed by restaurants. Here’s how to fix them
8 Tips for Making Big Career Decisions
You’re at a fork in the road: What path should your career take? How do you make the right choice? Here are my 8 tips to help.
3 Ways to Boost Your Restaurant’s Revenue Next Month
Whether you’re recovering from COVID, sales have plateaued, or you just want a little help, here are my top 3 ways to boost your restaurant’s revenue next month.
Big Budget Clients: Why You Might Not Want Them
It’s easy to think finding clients with deeper pockets is the end goal, but I offer 5 reasons why that might not be true
How Restaurants Should Respond to Negative Reviews
Set down the flamethrower and step away from the grenade. Here’s how restaurants should respond to negative reviews when they want to keep their business
My Extensive Social Media Strategy for Restaurants
I pull no punches with this lengthy guide on how to establish a meaningful, practical strategy for your restaurant. Tons of secret tips, tricks, and techniques
Why Your Number of Followers Doesn’t Matter
Quantity does not always equal quality, and it surely doesn’t equal quality of life. Let me show you 15 other metrics more important to measure your success